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87 test positive at Ministry of Works

Ministry of Works and Supply has recorded 87 positive cases of Corona Virus after a voluntary mass testing.

Out of the 137 tests, 87 were positive, 18 were negative, 26 were inconclusive and six are pending.

This came to light when a report was released to the ministry by the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI).

Minister of Works and Supply Sylvia Chalikosa who led the testing exercise confirmed this in a statement issued  by Ministry Public Relations Officer Ndubi Mvula.

Ms Chalikosa said the results indicate that some members of staff have been found positive though not showing any signs or symptoms of Covid 19.

She said testing and fumigation of the ministry headquarters was carried out last week.

She said it was good the members of staff took the exercise seriously because they care about their health and that of the people they serve.

“The testing and fumigation of the ministry headquarters was carried out because of the four cases and one death that were recorded,” she said.

She said the Ministry has since advised staff with positive results but asymptomatic to work from home while they observe their health status during self-quarantine in line with following the health guidelines.

She confirmed that her own result was inconclusive as such she is due to do another test after seven days or so.

“Members of staff should be working from home and ensure their family members are tested to avoid further spread of the virus, as this particular strain is more vicious and may have lethal consequences if not detected early and treated in good time.

“As much as living with Covid-19 is the “New Normal”, there is need to act responsibly as there is too much at stake if “we are careless in our day to day actions,” she said.