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80 Zambians evacuated from Ukraine

Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Stanley Kakubo says Governmet has so far safely evacuated 80 Zambian Nationals out of Ukraine.

Mr Kakubo said those that have been evacuated are currently accommodated in Warsaw, Poland and are being provided with food and other necessities.

He also said that some Zambians have self-evacuated through other countries including Hungary and Romania.

Mr Kakubo said one student that was stranded in Lviv has been guided to board a train straight to Warsaw, where he will join the others.

“The 3 students are in Kharkiv, with arrangements still in place for their evacuation, and the embassy is in constant touch with them monitoring their wellbeing, 14 other Zambians are in transit from different parts of Ukraine to the boarder, and efforts are being made for their safe evacuation,” he said.

Speaking in Parliament yesterday, Mr Kakubo also said that 14 more students are stuck in Sumy, which is closer to Russia, making movement very hard because of security reasons and restrictions in place.

The Foreign Affairs Minister said Government is hopeful that it will be able to fly all those affected back to Zambia by Friday March 4th, 2022.

Mr Kakubo also assured parents and guardians that Government will not only fly the students safely to Zambia, but will also provide flights for them back to Ukraine once the situation stabilizes so that they continue their education.