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8 new cases of Covid 19 detected

Eight more cases of Omicron, the new Covid-19 variant, have been detected in the past week in Lusaka District bringing the total cases to 11 so far.

Health Minister Sylvia Masebo said international travel remains the common risk factor.

Ms Masebo explains that five of the eight persons have a history of recent international travel.

She explains that all patients have a combination of common symptoms including headache, fever, cough and general body pains.

Ms Masebo further explains that the age range is from 18 years to 76-years -old

She was speaking during the routine COVID 19 update in Lusaka.

And Ms Masebo also announced the death of a nine-year-old girl who had been admitted to the UTH COVID 19 center in Lusaka.

Meanwhile the Minister disclosed that 2-hundred and 35 new cases of COVID-19 out of 5-thousand 4-hundred and 46 tests conducted in the last 24 hours have been recorded in Zambia.

She stated that the increase in the numbers of cases is so worrying and called for strict adherence the health measures.

Ms Masebo added that Lusaka currently has the highest number of COVID 19 cases followed by Central province, Copperbelt and Southern Province.

Speaking at the same function Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Technical Services Luckson Kasonka said vaccinations against COVID 19 is taking place in shopping malls.

He said the exercise will continue at work places and churches and even homes will be added on the list.