Seven candidates have successfully filed in their nominations for Kabwata by-election.
The candidates who successfully filed in their nominations are ruling UPND candidate Andrew Tayengwa, PF’s Clement Tembo, Socialist Party’s Tripher Ng’andu.
Others are Economic and Equity Party (EEP’s) Chilufya Tayali, Patriot for Economic Progress (PeP) Henry Muleya, United Progressive Party (UPP’s) Franchis Libanda and People’s Alliance for Change (PAC’s) Zyambo Sydney.
Socialist Party Tripher Ng’andu said he understands the challenges that the people of Kabwata face and knows what is obtaining in the constituency.
UPND’s candidate Andrew Tayengwa after successfully filling in his nominations said that having grown in Kabwata consistency, he is aware of the challenges and will work towards them.
And PeP candidate Henry Muleya said that he will ensure that empowerment is a priority for the people of Kabwata.

And the UPND Elections Chairperson Gary Nkombo has refuted claims his office received a petition against the party’s choice of a candidate further saying that what is circulating of social media is just a petition of which the names are unknown.
Mr Nkombo has urged the public to treat the petition circulating of social media with the contempt it deserves.
Meanwhile Rainbow Party and the independent candidate did not turn up for the filing in of their nominations.
The Kabwata seat fail vacant after the Death of t UPND Kabwata Member of Parliament Levy Mkandawire.