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The Independent Observer > Politics > 64 file for Local Government in Chililabombwe

64 file for Local Government in Chililabombwe

Sixty-four candidates have filed in their nominations for Councillorship in various wards of Chililabombwe ahead of the August polls.

Most of the candidates that filed in their nominations in the wards are PF and UPND candidates.

In Ngebe ward PF candidate Samson Chisambo filed in is nomination at Main Social Club accompanied by Chililabombwe Member of Parliament Richard Musukwa and the PF Mayoral candidate Trudy N’gandu.

Mr Chisambo said that he will delivery for the Patriotic Front in Chililabombwe.

And in Kamima ward PF candidate Mumba Mwalula also filed in her nominations and vowed to ensure development in the ward.

Most wards only PF and UPND candidates filed in their nominations.

Councilors who filed in by wards

Kakoso Ward

  • Kangwa Chileshe-PF
  • Mubanga Justin- UPND.

Matthews Nkoloma ward.

  • PF- Steven Mukonka
  • UPND- Joel Munkata
  • Socialist- John Banda

Yotamu Muleya Ward

  • PF- Onishe Chris
  • UPND-Yombwe Joel

Mvula Ward

  • PF-Washton Mupeta
  • UPND- Robert Matupa

James Phiri Ward

  • Joseph Tembo-UPND
  • Nelly Kilembe- independent
  • Cleanfast Mwamba-Socialist Party
  • Lukashi Bornface- PF

Kawama Ward

  • Josphat Chansa-PF
  • Getrude Witola-UPND

Ilute Yete Ward

  • Carol Ngandwe –PAC
  • Mwandu Muchelo-UPND
  • Victor Bwalya-Socialist Party
  • Lous Chanda-PF

Chilimina Ward

  • Aaron Kapupa-PF
  • Lephas Chisanga-PF

Silwizya Ward

  • Lengwe Chibwe-UPND
  • Miyutu Mattews-PF

Kasumbalesa Ward

  • Kangwa Nsofwa-PF
  • Samuel Silwimba-UPND

Joseph Mwila Ward

  • Abel Bwalya-UPND
  • Lombe Geoffrey-DP
  • Nsofwa Cephas-PF

Kamenza East ward

  • Simon Wabalikap-NDC
  • Peter Zulu-UPND
  • Sydney Musonda-PF

Nakatindi ward

  • Richard Daka-independent
  • Osward Masonka-PF
  • George Mwinga-UPND
  • Anthony Mulenga-DP

Miyanda Ward-

  • Oliver Kashinga-UPND
  • Spolian Simwanza-PF

Anoya Zulu Ward

  • Joseph Kazenzi-PF
  • Evans Mwamba-UPND
  • Kanyanta Mbulo-Green Party

Kafue Ward

  • Danny Lukwesa-UPND
  • Mutale Vincent-PF

Hellen Kaunda ward

  • Grant Mwape-PF
  • Musonda Perry-UPND

Mumba ward

  • Mwape Chansa –PF
  • Mwangala Walubita-UPND

Ngebe Ward

  • Arnold Sikanyika-UPND
  • Samson Chisambo-PF

Kamima Ward

  • Mwalula Mumba-PF
  • Mwamba Chripin-UPND
  • Boyd Soko-Independent

Lubansa Ward

  • Micheal Namindo-UPND
  • Mweemba Stephen-PF
  • Mulenga Benson-Socialist Party

Chitimukulu Ward

  • Maureen Bwalya-UPND
  • Kawilila Lumbali-DP
  • Matias Mabala-SP
  • Donald Mwape-PF

Mukuka ward

  • Imbula Likando-UPND
  • Peter Mwamba-PF