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62 Cooperatives in Nchanga Constituency Receive CDF Empowerment Grants

In a significant development for the Nchanga Constituency, 62 cooperatives have been awarded empowerment grants totaling over K2.1 million from the 2023 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) grants. The grants, aimed at fostering improved livelihoods through business ventures, were distributed by the Member of Parliament for Nchanga, Mr. Derricky Chilundika.

Mr. Chilundika said that the grants were strategically allocated to support a diverse range of cooperatives in pursuing various entrepreneurial ventures. He highlighted the positive impact these investments could have on the recipients’ quality of life. The distribution ceremony witnessed Mr. Chilundika personally handing over a portion of the 2023 CDF empowerment grants to the 62 cooperatives, all of which operate within the Nchanga Constituency, situated in the Chingola District.

During the occasion, Mr. Chilundika extended his gratitude to the government for its unwavering dedication to enhancing the well-being of the citizens. He also commended the responsible utilisation of the grants by the beneficiaries, demonstrating their prudence and foresight in leveraging these resources.

Mr. Chilundika made a fervent appeal to the recipients, urging them to diligently channel the funds toward their intended objectives. He emphasised the importance of accountability and cautioned against any mismanagement of the resources within the cooperative or clubs, underscoring that those responsible would be held answerable for any misappropriation.

In addition to encouraging responsible financial stewardship, Mr. Chilundika motivated the beneficiaries to seize the opportunity by investing in diverse business ventures that would yield profitable returns. He assured those clubs that had applied but did not receive grants that there remains a possibility for them to secure funding in the future.

Reflecting on the impact of the empowerment grants, Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe noted their potential to significantly uplift the community and empower individuals to pursue their aspirations. He highlighted that the grants were designed as catalysts for personal growth, entrepreneurship, education, and skill development. Mayor Kang’ombe stressed that prudent utilisation of the grants encompassed not only financial responsibility but also meticulous planning, effective project management, and continuous evaluation to maximise their outcomes.

Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi affirmed the result-oriented approach of the New Dawn government and encouraged beneficiaries to remain committed to the stipulated purpose of the grants. The grants signify a collective effort to catalyse positive change and create a far-reaching impact, extending beyond immediate circles of influence.