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The Independent Observer > News > 61Twatasha youths get CDF Skills Bursaries

61Twatasha youths get CDF Skills Bursaries

Sixty one youths have received skills development certificate under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Skills Development in Twatasha ward.

And Twatasha Ward Councillor Jeff Mulenga said that he will continue to help and give opportunities to young people in is ward because he struggled as a young person to get education.

Mr Mulenga said that he struggled and went through hardships to complete his education and going to college even when he got good grades hence he want to ensure that youths in his ward get an opportunity.

He has urged the youths to utilize the chances given to them because when you have a skill no one will take it away from you.

“Even as you get these skills you should have a mind of an entrepreneur not to just think about look for employment but also to start something of you own and become business owners. Once you complete your Skills course you can form cooperatives and apply for Loans or grants as your startup capital,” he said.

He said a skilled work force is an asset to economic development and productive in the nation, so acquire these skills.

Mr Mulenga has urged the youths to make use of the opportunity and complete the various fields that they have been selected in as some have a tendency to stop in the mid.

The youths got certificates to go to NOTECH, Friends Driving Schools, and Trade and Catering Skills center.
And Amos Mwila one of the beneficiaries said that CDF is working and that he is grateful for receiving the certificate to study at Notech.

He said that he tried to access CDF at first but he was not picked but he didn’t give up and he had to reapply and finally he got picked.

He said he will work hard to have a bright future so that he shows that CDF is working for everyone.
And Lenard Mwaba another beneficiary said that he was sponsored to go for driving and he is happy because he will acquire a skill that will give him employment.

“A number of youths are into bad behaviour because they have nothing to do in Townships other than drink beer and doing illegal mining but this skill will help me find a job as a driver and may end up a transporter owing my own Transport Company.

And one of the parents said that the parents are happy to see they own children advancing to college when they can’t afford to pay for them