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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 6 homes gassed in Lufwanyama

6 homes gassed in Lufwanyama

Lufwanyama District Commissioner Miniva Mutesa says six houses in the district have been gassed by suspected criminals.

Ms Mutesa told The Independent Observer that thieves in the district have taken advantage of reported gassing of residents in other districts to spray on unsuspecting citizens of Lufwanyama.

Ms Mutesa said the spraying of unknown chemicals started last week mostly attacking single women headed homes with the latest victim attacked last evening.

“These thieves are taking advantage of what is happening with our neighbors. They are usually attacking when the rains finish and single women headed homes has been attacked,” he said.

She said thieves gassing the residents took advantage of the prevailing situations somewhere and stole property in some houses they attacked.

She said that all victims that where attacked has since been discharged from hospital.

Ms Mutesa said police has instituted investigations in the matter adding that those that will be found wanting will not be spared.

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