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6 files in for Kantanshi, 3 fail

Six parliamentary candidates have filed in their nominations for Kantanshi in Mufurila District.

The filing in was done at Mufurila Civic Centre.

Mufurila Returning Officer Packson Banda opened the nomination centre around 08:00hrs and the nomination process was scheduled to begin at 09:00hrs.

The first candidate to file in at 12:00 was Wallace Kalungu who stood as an Independent for Kantanshi Constituency.

The second one to file in at 13:30 was Anthony Mumba for Parotic Front.

Ngosa Chibwana for People’s Alliance for Change was third candidate to file in at 14:45.

United Party for National Development (UPND) Mukwenya N’gandu filed in at 16: 30 hrs. And Martin Kabwe for Democratic Party followed as firth candidate to file in at 17:45hrs.

The sixth and the last one to fill in at 19:20 was Constance Bwalya for Socialist Party.

According to the nomination time table, the center was supposed to close at 15hrs but the candidates showed up beyond time and were turned down.

The parties which did show up but were not allowed to file in were the New Heritage Party, Golden Progressive Party and United National Independence Party ‘UNIP’