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The Independent Observer > News > 5 nabbed for illegal gold trade

5 nabbed for illegal gold trade

Police in Mwinilunga have arrested five people in connection with illegal trade of Aluvial gold.

The Five have been identified as Samuel Joseph 42, a Tanzanian national, Gift Banda 42, of mayard compound in Katete, Tracer Chiwaya 60, of low density area in Ikelenge, Bertha Chinyama 28 and Kalungushi Luya 31, all of low density area in Mwinilunga.

Their were picked up from low density residential area of Mwinilunga on July 2, 2020 around 20 hours.

The suspects are in police custody awaiting court appearance.

And North-western Province Police Commissioner, Elias Chushi said gold related thefts have decreased due to the security measures police have put in place in the Province.

Mr Chushi said police in the province are on alert and patrols have been intensified in order to curb the scourge.

He was speaking today during the provincial security brief to the Deputy Inspector General of Police Administration, Eugene Sibote who is in the province to assess the security situation.

Mr Sibote has urged police officers to do the correct thing as they are charged with the responsibility of combating crime in whatever form it presents itself.

“When we allow illegality to prevail, we lose our authority as law enforcement officers. These resources benefit the whole country and am happy that we are effecting arrests as a result of the security measures put in place,” he said.

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