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The Independent Observer > News > 5 days to go before voter registration closes

5 days to go before voter registration closes

People’s Alliance for Change PAC President Andyford Mayele Banda Wrote;

It is exactly five (5) days to go before the on-going voter registration exercise comes to a close. Your participation in the electoral process come August 2021 is critical as you are the people that will shape the direction of this country whether for the better or worse to worst.

Refuse to be governed but demand to be part of the governance system by registering as a voter in order to elect individuals you can entrust with the instruments of power.

The brighter future of this country for the next 5 years after elections depends on that wise decision you will make when alone in that booth and you can only have that power after getting a voter’s card.

I am a registered voter because I care for the country, are you?

Register 2 Vote. It is your right.

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