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5 criminals nabbed in Lusaka

Police in Lusaka have arrested five suspected criminals believed to be leaders of a group of youths who attack and robs members of the public in Desai and Shadreck areas.

Police in Matero have been recording an increase in the number of reports of people being attacked and robbed of their properties in the two compounds.

The five are among other suspected criminals who have been on Police wanted list for a long time. The suspects were hiding in Madimba area of Chunga compound where Police officers rounded them up on October 26, 2023 around 02:30 hours.

They were identified as Joseph Mwiinga commonly known as Joe Selassie aged 22 of unmarked house number in Desai compound, Max Kapembwa commonly known as Cobra aged 21of unknown house number in Chibolya area of Matero township, Kangwa Chanda and Rodgers Simuyembe both aged 17 of unknown house numbers in Chunga and Paradise compounds respectively and Alex Kunda aged 15 of unknown house number in George compound.

All the five suspects are detained in Police custody faced with several counts of Aggravated Robbery, Robbery and Unlawful Wounding offences.

This is contained in a statement issued by Danny Mwale Deputy Police Public Relations Officer.