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The Independent Observer > News > 44 year old man arrested for being possession different currencies

44 year old man arrested for being possession different currencies

A-44-year-old man of Mufilira’s Kalukanya Township has been arrested after he was found with huge sums of money in different currencies at Sabina checkpoint.

Winfred Chileka was apprehended after a search was conducted by the police and they found a black laptop bag in the seat of his car.

Copperbelt police commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba confirmed that the incident happened on  December 27, 2022 at 21:59 hours.

“After the search, police discovered K459, 803, $5,375 and 2,000 DRC Fra, the suspect was taken to Kitwe Central Police station where a money count was conducted,” he said.

Mr Mweemba said the money was later given to the officer in charge for safe keeping.

He also said the suspect has been detained in police custody at Kitwe central for being in possession of property (money) suspected to have been stolen or unlawfully obtained

Mr Mweemba said investigations in case have since continued.