Government says it is ready to work with communities and civil servants who have chosen to re-align themselves with the new dawns administration agenda.
Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Petauke and Sinda Acting District Commissioners, Minister of Water Development and Sanitation Mike Mposha said Civil servants must change their mind set towards a new work culture if effective service delivery in the water sector is to be attained.
He said the head of state has shown leadership and placed emphasis on ensuring all Zambian have access to water and proper sanitation.
Mr Mposha who also inspected water boreholes in Kaumbwe constituency where the installation of boreholes has stalled since the last rain season bemoaned the slow pace at which the works were being constructed after being abandoned by a named contractor.
The Minister has since called on all stakeholders to corporate and work together regardless of ones political affiliation.
And Sinda Acting District Commissioner Dr Adrian Tembo said the District is facing a number of challenges which include dilapidated infrastructure and the high cost of purchasing and servicing water related machinery.