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The Independent Observer > Business > 42 companies to participate in Central Province Expo

42 companies to participate in Central Province Expo

Forty two companies have confirmed participation in the Central Province Investment Forum and Expo.
Central Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kabwe said five companies have shown interest to invest in Luano District.
He said a lot of progress has been made after the official launch by Vice President Inongwe Wina.
The Central Provincial Administration has initiated the Investment Forum and Expo scheduled to take place on October 8 to 13, 2018.
Mr Kabwe also said  that Government is impressed that Zambians are embracing entrepreneurship.

Meanwhile, Mr Kabwe explained that during the Investment Forum and Expo, Investors will be able to travel to the district to sample other investment opportunities.
He said the aim of the expo is to sale central province to local and foreign investors and improve the living standards of Zambians in the province.

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