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The Independent Observer > News > 4000 poachers in Kafue Park disturbs CEJ

4000 poachers in Kafue Park disturbs CEJ

By Staff Writer

Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) is disturbed that Kafue National Park alone has between 4000 and 6000 active poachers.

CEJ Board Chairperson Vincent Ziba has since paid tribute to the New Dawn Government for working closely with organizations such as USAID and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to address the challenge.

Mr. Ziba says CEJ is delighted to note that The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is implementing the US$21.3 million Eastern Kafue National Alliance project to improve protection and management of wildlife, forests and fisheries in the eastern Kafue landscape.

He urges Government to entice the poachers to form cooperatives for them to benefit from the increased allocation of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and the Citizens Economic Empowerment Fund.

He further said that there is need to identify sustainable alternative livelihood initiatives that will help the poachers to find meaningful income generation.

The CEJ Board Chairman said the seemingly  lack of alternative livelihoods has greatly contributed to the raise in the numbers of poachers.

Mr. Ziba has praised Minister of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzovu for advising officers under the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to lawfully deter poachers from ravaging the park.