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40 year old Kitwe woman murdered

A 40 year old woman of Kitwe’s Mulenga Township has allegedly been murdered by her husband in cold blood.

Helen Mwape, a house wife was on Sunday allegedly murdered by her husband using a pick handle.

Copperbelt province acting Copperbelt Division Commanding Officer, Tresphord Kasale said that the incident happened after the coupe differed.

Mr Kasale said Ms Mwape and her husband, Chartson Ngosa 57 got married 2005 and their marriage was characterised by a series of physical violence, were the suspect threatened his wife with death, leading to a separation in November, 2021.

“The wife moved out and started renting a house within Mulenga Township, on unknown date in December last year, Ngosa managed to locate the wife’s rented house and forced himself to stay with the her, vowing that she could not separate from him, and on Saturday last week, Ngosa forced his wife to move back into their matrimonial house and on Sunday around 21:00 hours, the couple differed,” he said.

Mr Kasale said Mr Ngosa was seen hitting his wife with a pick handle on the ribs, causing her to run away.

He said that Mr Ngosa followed his wife, and continued assaulting her until she lost consciousness.

Mr Kasale said Ms Mwape bled from the ears and was rushed to the Kitwe Teaching Hospital by her son, Patrick Changwe, where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

He said the body is in the Kitwe Teaching Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.