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4 perish in an infenor in Chingola


Four members of the same family in Chingola have perished in an inferno after fire swept through the house they slept in.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Elias Chushi confirmed the development.

Mr Chushi said that the Fire Brigade went to the scene and access to the house was gained by breaking the grill door and four bodies were found laying in the same room.

He said inside the house was a heap of saw dust, building materials, timber and pvc ceiling material which could have caused the fire to sweep through the whole house.

Mr Chushi said a motor vehicle whose details are not known was also burnt to ashes.

He said the incident occurred on July 6, 2021 between 0500 and 0540 at unknown House Number in Chikola Loop Area in Chingola

Mr Chushi idenified the victims as Hiness Chimpimpa 43, a housewife, Eliya Chipimpa, Teacher, Nakanyika Chimwemwe 15, School girl and Prisca 16, other names not known.

He said the neighbours were interviewed and stated that they heard people shouting for help and when they rushed to the scene, they found the house on fire and failed to break through.

Mr Chushi said the cause of fire is not yet known but preliminary investigations reveal that the fire could have started from inside.

The bodies have since been ferried to the Hospital Mortuary.