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4 armed criminals gunned down

Police in Ndola have gunned down four suspected criminals who have been terrorizing people’s homes and businesses, while the search for six others continues.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer, Sharon Zulu has disclosed that anti robbery officers from Kitwe and Ndola gunned down the suspected criminals early this morning.

Ms Zulu said the officers first apprehended Evans Kalenga 37, who led them to the crime scene and recovered stolen items and apprehended the other three criminals.

She said the criminals were gunned down when they were leading the officers to recover two guns in Chichele plantation which they were using during the robberies.

Ms Zulu said upon reaching where one of the guns was being kept, Kalenga got the AK 47 gun and charged at the officers who retaliated by gunning him down.

Upon hearing gun shots, Ms Zulu said the other three criminals who had remained by the road side with other officers started running away and police shot them dead.

She said Copperbelt has from March 2022 witnessed an increase in reports of robbery and that the said criminals have been behind the scourge.

Ms Zulu said according to the information gathered, the criminals are ten in total and six more are yet to be apprehended.

Police have since recovered an AK 47 and a Toyota Allion which the criminals were using to stage the robberies, and household goods have also been recovered.

Ms Zulu has identified the criminals who have been gunned down as Evans Kalenga, 37 of Chifubu Township, Philimon Sumaili 28 of Twapia Township, Katontola Sakapalu 30 of Main Masala and Nathan Mulenga 33 of Lubuto all of Ndola. ZANIS