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3rd Liberation president says he will liberate the people

The 3RD Liberation Party President Enock Tonga says his political party will liberate the people of Zambia in the  August 12, general elections.

Mr Tonga said that the Party is varying for the office of the president to give the people of Zambia an economic freedom ,fair treatment and put their sufferings to an end.

He said his Party remains the only Independent party that does not cheat Zambians by practicing fake democracy.

Mr Tonga said other opposition parties have a plan and are working with the ruling government.

“We are the best institution in Zambia, we are the best political party and I must put on record that the moment people of Zambia decides other wise , they will live to regret,” he said.

He said given the mandate to rule the country a lot of things will change starting with corruption and execution of those that will be found guilt.

Mr Tonga said he shall also implement Barotseland humanity, and all Laws and decisions made by parliament shell be approved by the house of chiefs.

He said political regalia shall also be banned because it has contributed in dividing the nation.

Mr Tonga said that once voted in, unemployed youths shall be paid 77 dollars every month to improve their living.

He said he will not enter into an alliance with any political party because of their selfishness and their corrupt practices.

Mr Tonga has urged the people of Zambia to vote for him for the betterment of the country.