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KK was a visionary man

Former Nchanga Ward Councilor in Chingola Obed Lubumbe has described First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda as a man who had a vision for Zambia and his death is a loss to the nation and the world large.

Mr Lubumbe said that Dr Kaunda was a Leader whom others should follow.

He said KK was disciplined, had respect for the people of Zambia and cared for others during is rule hence people are celebrating his life.

“KK had a map for this country and direction which he demonstrated on the national flag where the black color means black people and the owner of the country, orange for wealthy meaning if given employment you should work hard so that even different-abled people can benefit, green for natural resources and red for blood meaning the blood which shaded during the struggle, should not be shaded in future,” he said.

Mr Lubumbe said Dr Kaunda had passion for environmental protection and utilization of Natural resources for this country.

He said that Dr Kaunda managed to unity 72 tribe’s through one Zambia one nation which people should emulate from him.

Mr Lubumbe urged the people of Zambia and the leaders to go back to the drawing board and see how the forefathers stayed instead of being self-centered.