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3 Mpongwe chiefs awarded mining license

The Ministry of Mines has awarded a mining license to ‘MALEKA’ mining to run operations at the newly discovered copper mine in Mpongwe district.

Copperbelt Province Minister, Elisha Matambo said the company has been formed by three chiefs who include, Chieftainess Malembeka, Chief Lesa, and Chief Kalunkumya.

Mr Matambo said the traditional leaders on behalf of their subjects will continue with the mining operations at the copper mine which was formerly run by ‘Zhang An’ mining.

He said the three traditional leaders have formed a company following calls to government to suspend operations at the mine whose former ownership was accused of operating it illegally.

On November 13, 2021 government suspended operations at the mining firm under the ownership of ‘Zhang An’ on accusations that the company was operating without a license.

The suspension also came as a result of unending protests staged by the locals denouncing the investor whose coming had no blessing from the chiefs.

And Mr Matambo said the awarding of the mining license to the three traditional leaders is in line with the government’s policy of ensuring full participation of Zambians in mining activities. ZANIS