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24 teams to participate in Chilombo tournament

24 Teams to participate in the Chilombo Independence Football Tournament in Lufwanyama West.

Chilombo Football Championship Organizers met on Saturday 18th May, 2019 at Kapilamikwa Primary School and held a successful tournament meeting and all 24 Teams representatives were in attendance.

The championship is been sponsored by Henry Chilombo whose childhood roots comes from Mushingashi Community of Lufwanyama District.

Chilombo  born and bred in Lufwanyama did both his Primary School and part of his junior Secondary School in Lufwanyama believes in developing his community.

He said that young people engaging in football will deter them from doing bad vices in the community hence the sponsorship.

Chilombo said football is a game of discipline and once these young people are disciplined they will not be lawlessness in society.

He said they is need to empower young people in ways that will lead them to develop their communities with mentorship that they can make it despite they back ground.

Chilombo Football Tournament Coordinator Victor Chama said that the tournament is scheduled for 11th July, 2019 and the finals to be played on 30th November 2019.

He said the games would be played in four zones according to the physical location of the teams.

Chama also stated that the Organizers will meet with local match officials headed by Yambayamba Thomson on 1st July, 2019 to discuss tournament officiating ground rules.

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