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The Independent Observer > mulonga water > 2020 will be exciting-Mulonga Water MD

2020 will be exciting-Mulonga Water MD

The year 2019, has not been easy in the water business, however as a company our greatest achievement was the introduction of new ways of working in a few selected areas of operations which resulted in increased productivity.

During the period, the concept of prototyping to determine aspects of any process needing improvement was applied to leak repairs.

The successful application of what was learnt during prototyping to the rest of the company helped reduce water wastage and contributed to the reduction of the very high non-revenue water (NRW) currently being experienced.Mulonga Featured

As a result of the changes brought about by the prototyping, where each plumber was sealing only one leak in three days, now each one is able to mend six leaks per day, thereby reducing water losses and in turn increase revenue for the company.

These improvements would have been less dramatic without the setting up of a contact centre. It has been vital by being a central clearing point for all complaints captured in the field.

We have re-established the filtration capacity at Kafue Water treatment plant in Chingola which has now allowed the plant to operate at over 80 per cent   capacity.

This has increased water quantity and quality from the treatment plant.

Our battle to improve water turbidity in Chingola continues and as a company we remain resolved to live by our motto (Towards Purified water) in providing clear, clean and safe drinking water.

On the Zambia Water and Sanitation  project (ZWSP) , I wish to assure all our shareholders that as 2019 closes, most of the scoping and designing of the water networks is practically complete and it is predicted that works will commence in mid-2020 after completion of all procurement formalities. As for the water treatment plants, works may start even earlier.

To the employees, I need you to look forward to a very exciting 2020 and beyond because you are at the stage where all the projects will be at execution level.

I thank each of you for the good customer relations you exhibited in a lot of instances during the 2019. You had been on the receiving end of nasty words from our clients due to the less than perfect service we provided in some of our areas. I salute you.

I wish to thank the suppliers and contractors, they have been very supportive under very trying circumstances. I implore them to continue.

To our customers, we say thank you for your continued business. We need you to help us especially in reducing the debt owed which currently at is over K100 million.

To our other stakeholders, we appeal to you to continue supporting Mulonga Water in the different roles you play because the company’s sustainability depends on you. We value your support

You know too well that we are a water utility company and provision of water and sanitation services are the key sources of revenue.

Merry and Blessed Christmas and Happy 2020.
Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Co. Ltd Managing Director
Kanyembo Ndhlovu

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