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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 2 people burnt to death on suspicions of witchcraft

2 people burnt to death on suspicions of witchcraft

Two people were burnt to death by a mob using petrol on allegations that they were wizards.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo confirmed the incident to The Independent Observer that Anord  Sichilima 49, and Demus Simpemba 57, both of  Mutono village were burnt  to  death with petrol.

She said the two victims were suspected to be wizards on allegations that they bewitched Justice Musukuma who died a month ago at the same village.

Ms Katongo said the victims were dragged from the home of headman Living Simpemba where they had gone to seek refuge.

She said due to the wrangles the two were taken to Namukonda stream and were set on fire using petrol.

The incident happened on 31st January, 2021 between 22 00 hours and 23:50 hours at Mutuno village at Namukonda stream in Mpulungu.

Ms Katongo said Investigations are still underway and she appealed to members of the public in the area to help police with information that may lead to the apprehension of the suspect.

“We wish to remind members of the public to desist from taking the law into their own hands because doing so is criminal hence risk being prosecuted. We further wish to state that all those that took part in the murder of the victims will be arrested and charged with murder in accordance with the law,” she said.

She said the Bodies are in Mpulungu Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.