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The Independent Observer > News > 2 Ndola women arrested for inserting round bar into girls vag*na

2 Ndola women arrested for inserting round bar into girls vag*na

Police in Ndola have arrested two women who allegedly inserted a round bar into the vagina of a 17- year-old girl whom they suspected to be having an affair with one of their husband.

Copperbelt Province Police Commissioner Elias said Jacqueline  Nanyinza 27 and Catherine Mpamba 28, both of Chipulukusu Township of Ndola accused the victim of flirting with Jacqueline’s husband.

He said two women enticed the victim to accompany them to Catherine’s house where she would be given some wigs to plait her hair.

Mr Chushi said that while there, the victim was beaten, undressed and photographed naked.

He said the duo inserted a round bar into the victim’s vagina and scorned her.

Mr Chushi said after her humiliation, the victim went to the Police Station and reported the matter.

He said the two suspects are in police custody and will appear in court soon.