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The Independent Observer > OS > 2 Ndola residents arrested for quarrying and stealing road stone bases

2 Ndola residents arrested for quarrying and stealing road stone bases

Two residents of Ndola have been arrested for quarrying right under the newly constructed roads and thereafter getting away with the same material for their house construction.

The situation is rife across the entire Copperbelt Towns where the Zambian Government has built new roads.

The Ndola City Council Public Relations Manager Tilyenji Mwanza said that over the weekend, Zambia Police had apprehended two individuals and impounded two vans laden with the stone base materials.

Ms Mwanza said the act is tantamount to sabotage of a Government project on which colossal sums of money have been spent

She said many residents are stealing the stone base and applying it in their yards to make pavements.

“However, the removal or stealing of the road stone base weakens the newly constructed roads and reduces the life span of the roads. Stone base is the foundation of the road and is a mixture of gravel and cement.


“We appeal to the residents of Ndola to desist from the vice.  Any body found wanting will be penalized accordingly,” she said.

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