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The Independent Observer > Business > 2 Ndola Council workers arrested for land illegalities

2 Ndola Council workers arrested for land illegalities

Police in Ndola have arrested two Ndola City Council employees and are searching for the third one, the trio are allegedly involved in the illegal dealings relating to land in the city.

Ndola City Council was yesterday alerted of some illegal dealings of land that was happening in Koloko on a titled property belonging to Z-Mart Holdings.

The Local Authority in the company of state police quickly swung into action and moved on site to curtail the illegal dealings.

Upon reaching on site Ndola City Council found a front end loader clearing the parcel of land in question and individuals removing already existing beacons.

Registering the presence of state police with council some individuals scampered but police managed to apprehend the driver of the grader identified as Steward Mazambani a council driver and another man identified as Lastone Pomboloka a council general worker.

After inspections it was then discovered that the grader that was being used to carry out the illegal works was also property of Ndola City Council.

The police apprehended the two council officers but Mazambani who was operating the front-end loader jumped off the machine along Lusaka Road leaving it abandoned but still running.

Police have henceforth set out a man hunt for Steward Mazambani.

Police have also detained Ndola City Council Transport Officer Cosmas Mutale to help with investigations into the illegalities.

Ndola City Council has vowed to ensure it curbs all illegal land allocations and mismanagement.

Ndola Mayor Amon Chisenga has henceforth sent out a strong warning to all involved in this vice that they shall be dealt with using the full force of the law.

The local authority has put its foot down stating that it shall not spare anyone involved in this vice irrespective of political stature or employment.

Ndola City Council has observed that the illegal land allocations and mismanagement have brought the name of the institution in disrepute and it is therefore the mandate of the local authority to ensure sanity prevails with regard to land allocation and management.

This is according to a media statement made available by Ndola City Council Public Relations Manager Tilyenji Mwanza.

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