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The Independent Observer > kankoyo riot > 19, 656 Kankoyo residents affected by Mopani sulphur emission

19, 656 Kankoyo residents affected by Mopani sulphur emission

By Bikale Clozzen
Over Nineteen thousand six hundred and fifty six (19, 656) residents of Kankoyo community in Mufulira District are affected by emissions of sulphur dioxide popularly known as centre from Mopani mine.

Speaking in an interview with a team of Journalists in Kankoyo community Noreen Malasha, Rosalia Chishila, Catharine Kabwe, Priscilla Simpomba and Regina Mwandwe who spoke on behalf of other affected families appealed to government and the mine to expedite the process of relocating families whose houses have been damaged due to mining activities in that area.

The residents say they are living in a death trap as most of their houses have developed serious cracks and others have collapsed due to the blasting explosion and vibration from the mining activities.

They have appealed to government for the relocation in a soonest possible time before lives are lost.

The residents further complained that they have suffered a lot from the sulphur dioxide which comes from the mine .

And Kankoyo Clinic five -5 Environmental health technologist Jonas Ngoma told the Media that Kankoyo community has the  total number of nineteen thousand six hundred and fifty six -19,656 people in their catchment area and all of them are affected by sulphur dioxide from the mine.

Mr Ngoma said that the clinic records highest number of people suffering from respiratory truck infection (RTI) Malaria, and Diarrhoea.

He further said that the water in Kankoyo community is contaminated by sulphur dioxide and sewers.

Meanwhile, Mufulira Municipal Council Assistant Public Relations Manager Thandiwe Tembo said the Council is working in collaboration with the World Bank and are considering securing land where the residents can be relocated.

Ms Tembo added that Government through the Disaster Management and mitigation Unit in collaboration with the World Bank is in the process of accessing land where the affected families can be relocated.

She further mentioned that the local authority is also concerned with the lives of the people in Kankoyo community and other surrounding areas.

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