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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 18 fish hatcheries coming

18 fish hatcheries coming

Government says it will set up 18 fish hatcheries and nurseries countrywide worth 27 million kwacha to increase fish production.

Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock permanent secretary David Shamulenge says the ministry under the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development project (ZAEDP) is establishing hatcheries through the country to increase annual fish production to 10,000 tones by 2020.

Speaking during the official opening of 3 days pre-Finance training by the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), Dr. Shamulenge said government is restructuring the aquaculture sector by empowering local people in all provinces to start producing enough good quality fingerings.

And speaking at the same occasion CEEC Director General Likando Mukumbuta said the project will directly address the challenges of quantity and quality of fingerings production affecting the aquaculture sector.

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