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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 15-yr-jail sentence for homos dismays American Envoy

15-yr-jail sentence for homos dismays American Envoy

By Staff Writer
 United State Ambassador Daniel Foote says he his dismayed by a 15 years sentence given to two men who were facing the case of crimes against the order of nature.

Mr Foote said that Zambia should consider it outdated stance and obsolete legislation on how to treat the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) community.

He said that government officials can steal millions of public dollars without prosecution while political cadres can beat innocent citizens for expressing their opinions with no consequences.

Mr foote said decisions like this oppressive sentencing do untold damage to Zambia’s international reputation by demonstrating that human rights in Zambia is not a universal guarantee.

“I was personally horrified to read yesterday about the sentencing of two men, who had a consensual relationship, which hurt absolutely no one, to 15 years imprisonment for “crimes against the order of nature,” he said.

He said Gay individuals continue to make exceptional contributions to society in the United States and elsewhere, as politicians, artists, ambassadors, business leaders, philanthropists, and friends.



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