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The Independent Observer > News > 15, 000 Zambians in Msanzi diaspora

15, 000 Zambians in Msanzi diaspora

Zambian High Commissioner to South Africa Emmanuel Mwamba says South Africa has the largest number of Zambians in diaspora estimated about 15,000 people.

Mr Mwamba said South Africa is Zambia’s largest trading partner with $3.8 billion annually, making it easier for most Zambians to opt to Msanzi.

He said that there are about 40 flights a week into Zambia and five buses leaving either side every day an indication of the trade between the two nations.

The High Commissioner was responding to members in The Independent Observer WhatsApp forum regarding the many deaths of Zambians in South Africa.

Mr Mwaba said the large population include people who go to work in various professionals such doctors, nurses, engineers, bankers, teachers and lecturers, and informal sector.

“We now organize the community through a vibrant association (ZASA) this has helped a lot in reaching out to Zambian’s and keeping and observing the law,” he said.

And Ruth Mulenga one of the members suggested to Mr Mwamba to start holding safety and security awareness meetings with the Zambian community there.

Ms Mulenga who commended the office the High Commissioner, fell a well-informed Zambians on security and safety can help prevent deaths.

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