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Sales tax bill requires panel beating-Mutati

The opposition Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) has observed that the sales tax bill requires significant panel beating before it is assented into law.

Speaking during a breakfast meeting organized by the former ruling party over the weekend in Chipata, party leader Felix Mutati said the migration from Value Added Tax (VAT) to sales tax has a great risk to compromise revenue collection for the year 2019.

He says this is so due to the many systems challenges that need to be fixed compared to the administrative systems of VAT.  

Mr Mutati said the sales tax has been premised on many pillars, as such, for it to be workable, three key issues in the bill need to be addressed.

He however notes that not all is lost, stating that the bill has reached a stage were few adjustments can be made to it.

Recently, Finance Minister, Margret Mwanakatwe disclosed that government has set 1st July, 2019 as the date of the start implementing the sales tax.

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