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The Independent Observer > News > 14 people died during festival season

14 people died during festival season

By Staff Writer
Fourteen -people died in fatal road traffic accidents out of 188 accidents that were recorded Country-wide during the New Year festival period.

Police Deputy Spokesperson Danny Mwale said 13 accidents were fatal road traffic accidents that claimed the 14 lives.

Mr Mwale said 34 accidents were recorded as serious injury road traffic accidents and 43 persons sustained serious injuries.

He also said that 44 were recorded as slight injury road traffic accidents in which 59 persons were slightly injured and 97 were recorded as damage only road traffic accidents.

Mr Mwale said Lusaka recorded the highest number which was at 97.

He also revealed that Police collected K420,888 Kwacha in Admissions of Guilt fines during past holiday.

He said the Police and Road Transport and Safety Agency – RTSA officers have since embarked on country-wide sensitization campaigns aimed at educating motorists and other road users on road safety regulations.