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12 students offered scholarship in Turkey

The Turkish Government has offered 12 scholarships to Zambian students to study at various universities in Turkey.

Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) President President Abdullah Eren said through his institution, the Turkish Government received over 400 applications from Zambian students wishing to study in Turkey at undergraduate level.

Mr Eren was speaking during a bilateral meeting with Zambia’s Ambassador to Turkey, Dr Joseph Chilengi in Ankara yesterday.

“10 out of the 12 applicants have responded to accept the scholarships so they will be coming to study in Turkey next month. This coming year, we will open applications in January and possibly increase the number of scholarships to between 15 and 20,” Mr Eren said.

He said that there were currently 60 Zambian students on scholarships in Turkey.

YTB is the institution in Turkey mandated to coordinate the activities for Turks living abroad, related (sister) communities and Türkiye Scholarship Programme.

Meanwhile, Dr Chilengi said during his historic visit to Zambia in July last year, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan indicated that Turkey would increase to 130 the number of scholarships offered to Zambian students.

“During this historic visit, cooperation in the field of education featured prominently during the discussions because President Erdogan and President Edgar Lungu recognise the importance of education in national development,” Dr Chilengi said.

He urged YTB to consider increasing the number of scholarships offered to Zambian students to study in Turkey.

The envoy said Zambia was looking forward to benefiting more from Turkey’s advanced education system.

He described Turkey as a centre of global knowledge and innovation, which was now shaping global policies.

This is according to a media statement made available to The Independent Observer by First Secretary for Press at the Zambian Embassy in Turkey Jerry Munthali.




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