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117 ZAFFICO rioters plead not guilty

Kitwe Magistrate Court was yesterday a hype of activities as the 117 arrested in riots that that took place in different townships on November 5, this year appeared before different Magistrates for plea.

The residents and saw millers rioted based on reports that ZAFFICO was sold to Chinese investors.

The 117 appeared in different court rooms amid tight security from the Zambia Police Service as space could not allow.

Particulars of the offense in the first count are that on November 5, 2018, in Kitwe the 117 jointly and whilst acting together did take part in a riot by breaching the peace and to the terror of public.

In the second count, particulars of the offense are that on the same day the 117 accused persons jointly and whilst acting together being riotously assembled together, unlawfully damage a building namely Xingmay super market valued at K5,000 the property of Guy Kalumba.

Appearing before Magistrate Chongo Musonda was Bruce Muyangwa, Davy Kanyemesha, Dickson Kazembe, Wellington Chungu, Frank Kunda, Patrick Kabwe and Augustine Mulenga.

Others are Anthony Mpelembe, Robam Nkole, Daniel Muwandia, Joseph Mulenga, Bartholomew Musonda and Sydney Mwila.

When the matter came up for plea the 14 pleaded not guilty to charges and the matter has since been adjourned to November 27, for commencement of trial.

In a related case, 14 suspects who appeared before Chief Resident Magistrate Yvonne Nalomba pleaded not guilty to the subject offenses.

Kelvin Bwalya 29, Boyd Kasuba 26, Peter Chitabula 20, Fabian Chengo 35, Steven Kalunga 18, Dabwiso Njolvu 21, Bruce Chitalu 46, Richard Mpande 27, Harrison Mumba 20, Steven Mambwe 30, Bonface Kunda 31, Alex Kamanga 24 and Nkata Langanani 27 denied the two charges of Riot and Riotous injuring a building.

Ms Nalomba overruled the objection to grant the 14 suspect bail by the State and granted them K5, 000 bail in their own recognizance with one working surety at K5000 in own recognizance with traceable references.

Earlier when the suspects applied for bail the State objected to the application stating that if the accused are granted bail they might interfere with the witnesses or regroup with other people and cause more riots.

Ms Nalomba said until there is evidence that the suspect will interfere with the witnesses there was no reason to deny bail.

Ms Nalomba has since adjourned the matter to November 26, for commencement of trial.

And in the same matter 15 suspects who appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate Mwansa  Chibalu failed to take off as one  of the suspects was not before the court.

Magistrate Chibalu adjourned the matter to November 14, 2018 to allow Abraham Chalikosa to join his Co accused in taking plea.

Meanwhile, the two cases that appeared before Magistrate Leonard Tembo did not take off as well as suspects did not show up.

Magistrate Tembo has since adjourned the matter to November 20, to allow the suspects take plea.

And lastly the 26 suspects who appeared before Magistrate Kampinda Chipamu denied the two charges and pleaded not guilty to the offenses.

The first 11 suspects namely ,Trust Mukonka 48,David Kamusa 18,Borniface Kabwe 22, Kabwe Chama 45, Pearson Kasome 48,Shame Sichinga 28,Friday Kasitu 44,Joseph Chaba 35, Patson Kandela 54,Cylus Chanda 35,Emmanuel Mbwisa 48  are all 11 are jointly charged with two counts of riots and riotous injury to building.

When the matter came magistrate Chipamu granted K 1,000 bail to all accused persons with two working sureties in their recognizance and employees of an established and recognised company

In the same the court the 15 accused persons Joshua Bwalya 43, Fanny Nanyinza 43, Sylvia Mumbi 39, Salome Mulenga 35, John Mulenga 26,Jacob Kalwila 26,Nungikilo Kalanda 23,Alick Mbewe 23, Annie Mwewa 19,Selita Kalubila 19,Luckson Mubanga with four other juveniles.

The 15 are jointly charged with two counts of riots and riotous injury to building.

In count one, the 15 on November 5 this year jointly and whilst acting together did take part in a riot by breaching the peace to the terror of the public.

In count two, the 15 jointly and whilst acting together being riotously assembled together and unlawfully damaged a building belonging to Chief Trade center valued at K6, 600 property of David Chifulo .

And in count three two among the 15 accused persons namely Kalwila and Mulenga are facing a count of theft contrary to the laws of Zambia.

It is alleged that the two on November 5, jointly did steal assorted goods valued at K13, 885 property of Loss King Investment Limited.

The all accused persons denied the charges in the two counts they are jointly charged and the other two equally denied the charge in count three.

The accused persons applied for bail and have been given K3,000 bail each with  two working sureties.

The matter has since been adjourned to November 30 for commencement of trial.

Separately, two of the 26 suspects also denied stealing goods worth K13, 000.

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