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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 1, 746 people died in road accident in 2019

1, 746 people died in road accident in 2019

Last year, 1, 746 people died in the countrywide road accidents.

The alarming stats show that last year 1, 462 fatal road traffic accidents were recorded in which 1, 746 people lost their lives.

Police Deputy Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said the country recorded 30,648 road traffic accidents in 2019 which show a slight decrease from 2018.

Mr Hamoonga said 2,940 were serious road traffic accidents and 20,533 was recorded as damage only road traffic accidents.

He said that Lusaka recorded the highest number of road traffic accidents with 16,435, followed by Copperbelt with 5,111 whilst Muchinga Province recorded the least with 731 road traffic accidents.

Mr Hamoonga also disclosed that K44, 731,459.00 was raised as admission of guilt from the 145,984 traffic offences recorded during 2019 period as compared to 149,879 road traffic offences recorded in 2018 where K 44,084,661.00 was as admission of Guilt respectively.

He said despite a reduction in road traffic offences by 3, 895, the admission of Guilt fines increased by K646, 798.00 in 2019.

Mr Hamoonga revealed that some accidents under the year of review were attributed to Human error such as failing to keep to the near side which is at 15 % while excessive speed is at 14.4% and misjudging clearance distance at 14.2%.

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